About Me

I'm Tetra/Tetris - She/Her - 24 years old - Queer - Trinbagoian

What Do I Do Online?

- Came to neocities to make this site because it looked fun! I like having my own little space on the Internet that I can really customize and make my own!

- On this site, I make art and stories featuring NSFW, gore and other sensitive topics such as those listed in the site's CW.

- I write comics, stories and poems for my "Neo-Pangaea" series which stars my ocs! I've been working on it since 2019. Neo-Pangaea stories can be found in the library!

- I am available on a variety of social media sites like Twitter, Instagram, Newgrounds and Tumblr! You can find my social media links in my Linktree!

Metadata Big Naturals

Pixel art of Metadata with his breasts exposed. He is looking down on the viewer.

(I'm using my oc as my persona for this)


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Meta is in his office

He's a very busy bot!

Some Trivia About Me + Opinions