Neo-Pangaea Music Reccommendations #1 (09/01/2024)

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Hey everyone! Wishing you all happy new years! I hope that January has been treating you well so far. And if it hasn't then, I hope that it does soon!

This is the entry of a little series on here where I talk about my favourite songs! Video embeds will be linked were I can, as some songs are so obscure that they can only be found on other sites like Bandcamp.

Let me start off this series with the song I'm currently listening to right now:

Fuck Buttons - "Surf Solar"

Omfg, this one LASHES. I remember listening to this for the first time ever when I was 12-14 years old. I found it from a Sounddodger mod where it was near impossible to dodge the bullets, but man, was it awesome.

This song really feels like you're going on the journey of a lifetime. The beginning sounds like a UFO or some trippy spacecraft landing on earth, coming to pick you up to take you on a ride. And as it progresses, it really feels like you're building up to something truly spectacular. Like you're on an important adventure or a part of something bigger than yourself and the life you knew back home.

And that climax. Oh my god. The climax.

It goes HARD. I don't exactly know how to describe it, but the feeling I get from it is euphoric. A sort of otherworldly "Out-of-Body" experience that very few songs can produce in me. You just gotta hear it.

And then the song starts to wind down in a kinda similar fashion as the beginning, as if the UFO is taking you back home after your grand journey. It almost has this sort of dreamy feel to it, like you can't exactly tell if it really happened or not.

I think that it's one of the coolest songs ever and it's a shame that it isn't more well known.

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