July 2024 Updates

- Created new secret shrine for XLR8 from Ben 10! (Hint for finding it: Check my "About Me" page!)

June 2024 Updates

-Added CSS hover effects to icons on various pages (Art galleries, Main menu, Index, etc.)

-Created new guestbook on SmartGb to replace old one from 123Guestbook

May 2024 Updates

Added 2 new bios to Character Bios section: Metadata and Decadrag

Decorated Main menu page

April 2024 Updates

Decorated the update log page to look nice

Updated the Metadata Says page to look nice

Made new banner for main menu page

March 2024 Updates

Joined 2 webrings: Autists Online and Adult Artists Webring

Added new art to galleries, few new posts to the Freak Shit page

February 2024 Updates

Added Arcade Section to website

Added new art to galleries and new fanfic, "Rotten Frogs" to library

Decorated some pages (Index pg, Blog, Resources pg, About Me pg) to make them look nice

January 2024 Updates

Added Sitemap page to website

Got included in the ListMe.com web listing

Added new art to galleries and new poem, "Adoption Day" to library.

Updated Resources section of library to look more presentable.

Finished and added graphics page to the art gallery section (Jones the Graphics Dealer).

December 2023 Updates (in no particular order because I forgot the days I did them on)

Added Character Bios section in library with 2 pages so far for Jones and Nunjara

Added Chat box to main menu page

Added Rambling page (I talk about freak shit here) with 3 entries for 2023 (since it was added in very late)

Changed link colours and cursor

Added some more art to the art galleries section

Added more alt text to some pages

Added website to 2 listings: Fujofans and Smooth Sailing! Still waiting to see if I got through with Link Me

Created a bunch of new original graphics to share. Still working on new graphics page


Added a new story to the reading area: "Meta's Taking Pictures". There are now 3 available stories in the reading area!

Update log text has been put into iframe to look more presentable.


Redesigned the content warning/index page and updated the art gallery pages to have backgrounds and use divisions.


Added a Content Warning List page to the index page! Currently in the process of updating the index page. Also finally updated the site's font!


The reading area for on-site stories (poems, stories, fanfics) has now been added to the library! It can be accessed from the original works and fan works sections of the library.


The secret Fault Line/Zapo Shrine has now been added to the site! Hint on how to find it: Look at the buttons in the marquee in the site's main menu!


Updated the main menu section with a better layout.


"About Me" page has now been added!


Guestbook section has now been added!


Library is now open! Contains links to og and fan stories as well as useful resources.
Character bios still need to be added.


The Blog and Updates Log have now been added!


The art galleries are now open!

A content warning page for the [REDACTED] gallery has also been made.


My acct for Neocities was created!