Library Stuff (24/04/2024)

Hey guys! Sorry that I haven't been too active for April. I've been busy with various important personal things, but I managed to add some new art and decorations here and there.

Recently a new library opened up in my area. When my mom and I went to check it out 2 weeks ago, we were very impressed with how nice and clean everything was! The adult session had comfortable couches, computers, free wifi and a very wide range of books! They even had entire volume sets of manga, such as the original Dragon Ball, Naruto and Full Metal Alchemist! Customer service was great and the place was very well-secured by polite security guards.

A few days after that, I renewed my library card after not using it for over a decade (I got it when I was 12 and had now started Secondary School). My little bro and mom also signed up to get their own cards and we just chilled out there for a few hours during the evening. I borrowed two books, "Maus I: A Survivor's Tale: My Father Bleeds History" by Art Spiegelman and "Chase: A BookShot: A Michael Bennett Story" by James Patterson and Micheal Ledwidge. I read them out during the past 2 weeks and really enjoyed both of them! Perhaps I'll write little reviews for them in the "Freak Shit" section of this site.

It's just really nice to sit down and read physical books again. Not for studying purposes at university, but for fun! I hope to go back this week or next week to return what I borrowed and get some new books. I hope I could bring home a manga next time, and maybe a Stephen King book. Around the evening, tons of school kids visit the library (preteens and teens) and they constantly swarm around the mangas. Hoping I can get something from the Dragon Ball box set or My Hero Academia next time, because some of those boxes were completely empty lmao.

SEA Day (and other stuff) (22/03/2024)

Hi guys! Hope y'all are doing well!

Yesterday was a big day yesterday for primary school students all across my country. SEA day! Over 18,000 students took the exam that would determine which secondary school from their list of choices they would be going too. One of those 18,000 kids was my younger brother, who studied everyday for a over a year and was very nervous leading up to yesterday. I'm super proud of him, as he worked very hard to prepare himself for this important exam.

During the few days prior to yesterday, a bunch of fast food restaurants and stores were advertising little free rewards and discounts for SEA students to enjoy, such as free ice cream from DQ, free posters from Rebel Yell (a local anime merch shop) and even free munch packs from KFC! Some of them were honestly kinda shit though, such as the free SINGLE, tiny ass slice of pizza from Mario's, and the free popcorn and cookie from Subway that you could only get when you bought a sub. Honestly, the fam and I were hunting down the free shit only, not discounted stuff, so we weren't too pleased with some of these offers. When you see free shit, you gotta try and beat it, because nothing usually comes for free.

It was pretty fun going around to different malls and plazas to hunt down all these deals! It was like an adventure or scavenger hunt, which isn't something you go on every day! We were out and out since 1:00pm, so we were pretty tired when we came back home at half 6 or so in the night!

Now regarding other stuff, I'm trying to work a little more on a splatterpunk novel called "Soiled Dykes of the Dirt" that I started writing some time last year. I don't want to share too much details regarding it, but I will say that it will be pretty dark and graphic (like any splatterpunk work, really), and will touch on serious topics like queerphobia and gender based violence against women and femmes. It will also include furry characters (primarily anthro dog girls) as the main characters! I hope to finish this story as it's definitely different from what I typically do (short poems and comics) and it's also a project that I've had fun making.

I also haven't done any new work on another comic of mine in a while (Sister Nunjara's Sunday School for Demons)! It's a very ambitious, long, action hentai comic that I've been working on since late 2021, after I completed Data's Mosh. I'm still passionate about this comic and I want to complete it, but it's just that it turned out to be a lot more work than I initially expected! Regardless, I'm determined to complete it. It's just that I'm having more fun rn with Soiled Dykes, so I'm working on that a bit more.

So yeah, that's it for now. See ya!

Streaming Sucks (RANT) (29/02/2024)

Two days ago, after sharing my uncle's HBO Max account with him for roughly 2 years, my fam and I lost access to it. When we go to use the HBO Max app now, it hits us with this "Sorry! HBO Max isn't available in your region" message, despite us being able to use it just fine for the 2 whole years.

This most likely happened due to that new "MAX" rebrand they've been planning on doing for a while now but just recently put into effect. This morning, I tried to regain access to the account by downloading the new MAX app and putting in their old account info, but unfortunately that didn't work. We can't afford Netflix right now either, so that leaves us with Disney+ (another acct we share with my uncle) and Youtube. Disney+ is honestly very boring. Nothing there sparks my interest besides Star Wars Visions, Who Framed Roger Rabbit and the occassional anime or Jetix show. But who knows how long again it will be until they decide to take away our access to it on a whim? I should try to use it more.

I just don't know what negative critique to make about streaming that hasn't already been said online except that I'm disappointed and fed up with it. What started out as great technology really is just cable nowadays, but worse, more expensive and overly complicated from no good reason!

And it's a shame really, because I like the convenience of it! I like having all of the shows that I want to watch in one place. And with no commercials! I especially liked HBO Max for its better, wider and more interesting variety of shows. I really made my name with their documentaries and catalog of Cartoon Network shows. They had a nice thing going before they decided to mess it all up with that merger with Discovery, and now they're just throwing a perfectly good catalog away! All because of tax write-offs and greed! Pathetic!

Streaming as a whole really did just lose the whole plot during these past few years. Guess it's time to dust off the old pirate hat and sail the seven seas again.

I'm Feeling Better Now! (24/02/2024)

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! :)

I Have a Fever :( (20/02/2024)

Hurrrrrrrrrghhhh so appearantly there's a cold going around that a bunch of people seem to have and I unfortunately got it (don't worry, it's not covid). I feel so cold ugggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggrrrrrrrg.

I was hope I would have some energy to finish decorating the blog area today, but I'm really not feeling up to it smfh.


Random Stuff (16/02/2024)

Hi! It's been a while since I updated this blog, huh?

I don't think I have much important stuff to say here as of now, honestly. But I do just want to talk about my future plans for here I guess.

So after months or procrastination, I finally put in the Arcade section! Personally I find the area a bit lackluster as of now, maybe due to the lack of decor, or maybe because I barely have any original games of my own to share. Ever since I made Wackaman Jones, I've wanted to make more little games, but game development isn't just something you can just jump into just so. It takes a lot of time, work and effort to make games! Therefore, at least as of now, original games from me will be few and far between. I have GB Studio and Renpy to work with as of now, so I guess I'll start from there and work my way up to making stuff I want to see/play.

I always liked the idea of making a city on this site that the viewer can explore. I think it would be really neat to let people visit Nunjara's church, a cinema and maybe some shrines and a parade. Perhaps there could be a couple of secret easter eggs or events the viewer can trigger by exploring enough! I love the idea, but I don't want it to be there for the sake of being there, y'know? I want the areas to have some legit purpose to them, and for them to have some quality that would encourage people to come back again.

Aaaaaaand I just remembered that I forgot to update the sitemap to include the arcade's pages. Whoops! I'll put that in soon.

So I guess that's it for now! See ya later lol

Merry Christmas and Such! (26/10/2023)

Hi! I just want to wish everyone a belated Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays/etc. and a happy, prosperous new year!

I had a nice quiet Christmas day. Spent it watching Silent Library, Jackass and Fear Factor on Mtv Vault on Youtube. Watched a little Cooking with Dashie too. For dinner, the fam and I had BBQ with spanish rice and potato salad! Was pretty good! Also started rewatching the original Ben 10 and Robotomy during the past few days and I must say, they're pretty good cartoons that hold up well today. (wait that kinda rhymed lol)

I've glad that I got a lot of free time to work on this website for the past month or so. Finally got around to opening the Character Bio section for my ocs, got included in a few web listings (Fujofans and Smooth Sailings, idk about Listme but it's fine if I don't get in), learnt how to make my own stamps and buttons, fixed up a few pages, added some alt text to a few pages, wrote some fanfiction, etc. I'm proud of how much this site has grown and I hope to continue to develop it further in the future!

I would also like to thank everyone who has visited/supported/followed this site! I really appreciate the support and kind comments I've received! They encourage me to continue to do my best!

So yeah, I think that's it for now with this post. Bye for now, and have a good day!

Plans for the Site and Projects (12/10/2023)

Hi! So It's been a while since I've updated this site as I've been busy with other things. This time during these past 2 weeks has given me the oppotunity to decide on what I want to do with the site!

I initially wanted to have a separate page for a chatroom section of the site, but realized that I wouldn't care too much to use it, actually. I just decided to put one because I saw several other sites on Neocities with chatrooms and thought it would be cool. Plus I wouldn't care to moderate the page all the time to get rid of unwanted messages. Maybe I'll still keep the chatbox and put it on the main page or something. Idk lol.

Plus, I want to get started on the character bios section! I want to have a nice place to have easily accessible info about my ocs, and I have an idea already for how it might look.

I would like to still have an arcade section for the site where you could play little html games. If I could, maybe I could make an html version of Wackaman Jones? It would be cool to see that.

And of course, there's the sitemap and other little secret pages I wanna work on.

So yeah, that's it for now! Just decided to drop in and say hi, as well as kinda organize my thoughts on what I wanna do for the site!

Birthday Things! (20/09/2023)

Hi! I'm officially 24 years old today! I'm super old like the road now!

On Saturday, I went to go see The Meg 2 with my dad. It was pretty good imo! It was more of a comedy than the first one, but still had plenty of action! The big boy with the giant gun was hot. There was also a car show going on with some drag race cars, and they looked pretty cool! That Barbie box you could stand inside was still there too, so of course I had to get a pic in it!

At Starbucks, I like to draw my ocs on the receipts and pin them on the community board. I currently have Jones, Nunjara, Metadata and Decadrag on the board, as well as Zapo from Nitrome's Fault Line!

Also on Friday, I went to the mall and bought Chainsaw Man Volume 3. I've been wanting to check out the series for a while now, so I'll be reading it and checking ou the anime too. I'm thinking about drawing some nsfw art of Himeno because she's very pretty!

So yeah, my birthday was quiet and chill. I enjoyed it!

Boat Show Things! And other website updates! (06/08/2023)

Hi! Haven't talked here in a while. Yesterday I went to a boat show with my dad and little brother and it was so fun!

Lots of fast boats with their trophies displayed on top of them. Had some with some really funny names like "RAW KNOTS" and "KNOT IN SLOW MOTION" (furries will understand what I mean lol). There was a HUGE boat called "Iron Man" that was tilted up of a hydraulic lift thing. When it rained, everyone was huddled under one of the tents but the "KNOT IN SLOW MOTION" team was dancing up in the rain to the music on the music truck! They have an excellent cheerleader squad!

Anyways, reguarding this site, I've recently updated the main menu page and I'm very happy with it! It's now much closer to the OG design I had for it when I first made my acct on here. I've also been working on a chatroom and a reading area for stories I would be putting up on the site to read. However, I haven't been logging anything in my update log! Sorry about that! I do have an idea of when the main menu redesign happened, so I'll put in a date eventually. I'll also put in a date for when I make the reading area and chatroom actually available.

About me page is now up! + other thoughts (10/07/2023)

After procrastinating on it for weeks, my about me page is finally up!

I had fun working on this page! It helped me to better understand how to use divisions, iframes and marquees, so I think I leveled up my HTML coding skills a bit with this page!

I've only had this site for a few months now, but it's so cool to see how much it's evolved in such a short amount of time! I was a bit nervous signing up for Neocities at first because I didn't know how to code in HTML, so I'm very happy and proud of myself for getting this far with the site's development!

I have a lot of ambitious ideas for this site that I would love to implement in the future, like easter eggs, secret shrines and maybe little adventures you can go on (like visual novels kinda). I only have 1GB to work with so I gotta figure out how to use the space wisely, but still, I'm excited!

Guestbook section has now been added! (+ other ramblings) (30/06/2023)

Hello! I finally got around to adding a guestbook section to the site!

It's a bit bland looking right now, but I'll try to pretty it up! I just need to figure out how the settings work. I don't like how it wants you to add a background with a URL. I don't understand it right now, but I hope to soon.

Also, Trinidad and Tobago's Pride month celebrations officially started yesterday! I'm hoping that I can attend one or two of the events, especially the Pride parade and market on July 30th! I attended the one they had last year and it was a blast! It was also my first time going to Pride, so it was a special day for me! Hoping I can attend this one too!

Library is now OPEN! (18/06/2023)

Hi again! Just making another post to say that the library for this website is now open!

This section contains links to my comics and short stories on, as well as links to resources for many useful, educational things! You can even go outside and play with some cute animals, like Muffdiver5000 the Cactus and a Rainbow coloured stray cat! I'm happy with how this section turned out!

This section is still very new, so they're not much stuff to look at right now, but I'll add more things to the library as time progresses! I'll even put in pages for stories and poems that can be read on the site and don't need to be downloaded from my I want this site to be a fun place to explore and have fun on, and not just a place to promote my work on.

The library will also have a section for character bios of my ocs, but I still need to make those. That section is therefore still under construction.

Regardless, I hope that you enjoy what the site has to offer right now!

Hello, is anyone there? (03/06/2023)

Hi, Tetra here! I've finally gotten around to organizing the blog and updates log section! I want to work on the updates log first before working on the other sections so that I can better document this site's development! I'll add a guestbook section once I fix up the site a bit more. Maybe by the time I add in the library and/or the about me page. I'll have two separate sections for the blog and updates log so that they won't get mixed up with eachother too.

Anyways, I'm pretty happy with how well the site's been developing over the past few weeks! While I'm not new to coding in general (I took IT in secondary school and made a simple visual novel in RenPy), I'm new to coding in HTML and CSS, and I've never made a website before! I was a bit nervous going into this but now I think it's pretty fun!